Thursday, 1 August 2013

Daniels Diet Seminar


This is a specific Blog to let you know I am holding a 3 hour seminar on ‘Daniels Diet’
The Seminar will contain the following Segments plus much more.

1.      Why do Christians get sick. 
2. Whats in it for me ( plenty)
3.      The Power of Food – Why we should Eat Better Foods
4.      The good news - Gods Counterbalance to Sickness
6.      Take control of your own health
7.      Emotional cravings for sweets explained and changed
8.      Daniels Diet explained
In Daniel 1:15-16 the Bible says, ‘Well, at the end of the ten days, Daniel and his three friends looked healthier and better nourished than the youths who had been eating the food supplied by the king! So, after that the steward fed them only vegetables and water, without the rich foods and wines!’ (TLB)
Daniel had just proven how amazingly powerful a 10-day cleansing diet really was. And today, 2500 years later, it is just as powerful.


New Life Christian College, 110 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill Perth Australia
Saturday, August 10, 2013 - 2:00pm until 5:00pm
COST: $5 per person.

FREE - There will be Free vegetable juice tasting and healthy food sampling;

PLUS; 2 Free consultations with Philip - for lucky ticket holders value $99.00 each.
If you cannot make it and for all over seas readers– there will be video and CD available for purchase.

I encourage you to come along because it will…
Help You
}  lose weight
}  get more energy (overcome tiredness)
}  detoxify your body
}  clear your mind & sharpen your concentration
}  restores a good acid/alkaline balance to your body
}  stimulates the proper functions of organs and tissue
}  stabilize your emotions
}  recognize and overcome food allergies & addictions
}  overcome hypoglycemia ( sugar problems)
}  improve your skin and hair texture
}  regain & maintain your health
}  help prevent cancer and other diseases
}  enhance you spiritually
}  Save your life

Look forward to seeing you there


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