Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Congratulations - its day 11 of Daniels Diet

Good morning,

Congratulations! You have Done it.

Many will have lost weight; have increased energy and mental clarity, a decrease in body aches and pains, improved vision and improved texture of your skin. Others may have accomplished spiritual goals. It’s always good to write down anything accomplished and give thanks to God.
Please email to my clinic and give your testimony to encourage others, I will post it on my website (no names used). Also send in any recipe tips that you found helpful.

As you know the problem with most diets is that when you stop following them, you go back to old habits and before you know it, you have put most of the weight back on. Well not us - OK. 

Now, i.e. after Daniels diet - You have broken the hold of coffee, bread, alcohol, sugar, chocy, chips, soft drinks/sodas etc. So why go back to any foods you crave or are addicted to; at least until you have beaten the cravings. What i mean by this is-  the food (what ever it is) that used to rule or control your choices no longer does and if in the future you choose to have a coffee or chocy, then your mind and spirit are in control and not being controlled, so wait until you have broken completely the addiction or habit.

For example i choose to have a coffee once a week in winter, read the paper and catch up on football news and i relax and enjoy it ( i never drink it in summer).

In the distant past if i allowed myself to drink coffee daily then i would start to crave it more and more = addiction cycle starting.
 But now i am Free to choose occasionally something i want to have and that something is ' not choosing for me'  i.e. be triggering cravings. I am in control of my choices and not the other way around, is my point.

The Question is – What do I do from here?

It’s very important when coming off a partial fast to not go overboard with your eating. Your stomach has been eating healthy foods for ten days, and it’s starting to shrink. It is not wise to overload it now with previously banned foods. Today is a critical time in this diet. Your decision now will determine your future health and weight maintenance. Consider it carefully.
My goals as a health care practitioner, lifestyle coach, minister and author are to give every one, step by step instruction and answers to your individual situation. So that in a few short months you will have reached your goals of losing weight and having more energy and feeling very healthy. The end result being that you get into the ‘zone’ of living a lifestyle that ensures you don’t go back to where you used to be, but maintain your good weight and health. So this healthy lifestyle becomes the new normal for you, and you automatically choose to eat and shop the right way for you. Then you are truly ‘free’.
The next step is to keep the momentum going to reach your goals and I offer the following to help you achieve just that.

I can offer you 2 choices!

1. For those who are happy with the Daniels Diet results and just want to go on with a normal lifestyle ( meaning having Daniels plan as your foundation for long term lifestyle, but include some healthy other food types). My Moderation Diet that is easy to live by and allows for everyday food to be enjoyable. This is discussed in my second book Daniels Lifestyle Diet. You can purchase this on www.danielsdetox.com  Also i have vegan recipe book called Pure and Real Recipe Guide.

2. For those who want to lose more weight and overcome sugar/refined carbs cravings then I have the answer for you. I have written a new book - A 6 Week Low Carb Diet? A Real Weight Loss Diet. www.daniesldetox.com and Amazon.com 

 This diet plan is nearly the opposite of Daniels 10 day diet. The effect of doing these two diets in tandem is very powerful and has wonderful results. You should lose 2 Kg a week and continue your journey to success. I emphasize it is only a 6 week program and then I suggest you do Daniels diet again and then move to the Moderation diet (Daniels Diet Lifestyle).

You can simply follow my diet plan as found in the book or you have the choice of using my weight loss protocols that go with the diet. This consists of healthy Protein shakes and bars and herbs. If you want my personal support during these 6 weeks – email me at philip@wisdomforhealth.net and I will offer you the protocol and tell you the costs etc.

*I do offer a weight loss package which takes you step by step from day 1 of Daniels diet through to the end of the 6 weeks on  the low carb diet and into the moderation diet so you are on a good lifestyle by the end of it and this way you should not put the weight back on or go back to bad eating habits. This plan includes 3 personal consultations plus all the supplements.

  • Long distance consultations work very well and i do them though Skype or internet and or phone and emails. As we speak i am consulting someone in Greece.

Other Resources from Philip - to help you continue a health and long life:

Don't Procrastinate - Go to my web site or Amazon Now and order 

‘Pure and Real’ Series:
Pure and Real – The Time Tested Diet
Pure and Real – Recipe Guide

The Bridgeman Way Series:

The 6 Week Low Carb Diet? A Real Weight Loss Diet

5 Common Foods that Cause Bloated Stomachs and Embarrassing Flatulence

Quick & Easy Meals: A 7 Day Meal Plan for the Busy Woman

God’s Natural Health Plan – Do you Know it? Explaining how modern health principles are really God’s Health Plan

So once again congratulations to those who have completed the 10 days and if you need help i am here to assist.
Please send in any testimonies

By the way - i lost 2 kg and 2 cm off my tummy.



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